About Us

Abby Sassaman & Ian Black

Hello friends / family / well-wishers and welcome to our travel site! A bit about how we got here…

Way back in 2016 the two of us went on a kickass three-week trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. On top of all the amazing culture, food, sites, and experiences, we met countless solo travelers and couples meandering across the world for an extended period of time for months on end.

And with that the seed was planted 🙂

Fast forward six years, a move to the east coast and back, getting engaged, plus a hell of a lot of mutual convincing and second guessing, we decided to pull the trigger on a six-month international trip of our own before the realities of a mortgage, kids, and simply the curveballs of everyday life could make it even more difficult.

We figured hey, it’s now or never!